For patients

What are clinical trials?

Clinical trial is an examination of effectivness and safety of new medicinal product. Every medicine, before it can be put into the pharmacy for sale, must goes through 4 phases of clinical trials.
Phase one is to assess a medicine on population of healthy volunteers in purposu of safety assessment.
Phases two and three are to examine a medicine on population of diagnosed patients. The difference is phase two lasts from a few to over a dozen weeks, when phase three can last for years. On this stage, patients receive selected dose of medicine to assess efficiency and safety of medicine in specific dosage or in comparison to other medicine.
During phase four we collect any extra data about already registered medicine, available on market.

Why is it worth to take participation in clincal trials?

Participation in clinical trials is a chance of receiving the most progressive medicines, that are unavailable in Poland. It's also an oportunity to use from 24-hours medical care, including specialist doctors.
Pharmaceutical companies do not stop in searching for new solutions in order to provide efficient and safe therapy to the patient. Taking part in clincal trials, you have a chance of using the newest medicines, years before the selected product would be available on market.
Innovation therapies are a chance especially for those patients, in case of which any other treatment has not yet been successful.
Another benefit from taking participation in clinical trial is the possibility of an extensive package of free blood tests and various other specialistic tests and consults.

Is clinical trial participation safe?

During whole trial you will be under the care of specialist doctor, that will be monitor your health up to date.
Safety and comfort of a patient are our priority, this is why our highly qualified research team will be for your disposal for the whole time of the trial.
AppleTreeClincs is a facility dedicated exclusively for clinical trials, which is why we are capable of enuring a care customized to every pattients individual needs.

What if I want to quit?

Participation in a clincal trial is completely voluntery and any patient deciding to take a part in it, has a right to quit at every moment.

Do I get paid for taking part in trails?

Taking part in trails is voluntery and patients do not get paid for participation. Ate the same time the patient does not incur any costs, which means that the medicines, doctors consults, diagnostic tests and any other necesery materials, during trials will be free.

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